Automatic place and route

If you think that you could improve or feel like I've missed something important this page feel free to contact me under the discussions tab. Though keep in mind that this description is far from complete.

It's worth pointing out that the PCB layout community is understandably jaded when it comes to auto-routing/placement. This comes from a long history of sub-par auto-routers. I personally have used commercial auto-routers and had them absolutely butcher my layout, ripping up more traces than it routed. So I am approaching this problem with equal parts optimism and deep shades of jade.

Auto-routing is hard! A quick read over the Wikipedia page describing auto-routing and you'll see phrases like;

"Almost every problem associated with routing is known to be intractable."

However the fact that these problems are 'intractable' is no excuse for poor performance from an auto-router. After all we are able to route circuits manually, usually with 'better' results.

So if we can manually route a circuit there is no reason why we can't develope an algorithm to do the same thing automatically. After all we didn't evolve to layout circuits so we don't have some fundamental evolutionary advantage that we developed over 10,000s of years that a CPU does not.

So why don't auto-routers perform up to our expectations? I don't have all the answers, but I have a set of hunches (which are open challenge).

  1. Auto-routers don't have the same level of control as what we do. e.g. usually they can't pin-swap, they can't move parts around (e.g. to make more space for vias or length matching). They can't completely change package if a different footprint would work better.
  2. We are biased to prefer manually routed circuits. In some cases auto-routers may be performing as good as our hand routed designs but we just don't recognize that because we are trained to like our circuits routed in a particular way.
  3. Typically engineers will route a PCB using 'rules of thumb', which are usually simplifications of more complex physics. Often search algorithms (i.e. auto-routers) will quickly find edge cases and loop holes in simplified rules. Therefore we should give auto-routers more information as to the underlying physics associated with electronics.
  4. We don't give auto-routers enough information about what we want our routing to look like. Without a suitable set of constraints we can't expect an auto-router to route a decent circuit. In other words garbage in garbage out.

Proposed solution for dialectic auto-routing

The current proposal for auto-routing is to use a multi-stage iterative approach. giving the auto-router full controllability over the design process. So simplified pipeline would look something like the following.

graph TB
S[Start] --> A
style S fill:#f9f
A[Auto-place parts] --> B
subgraph Attempt place and route N times
B[Auto-route] --> |Failure| C
C[Slightly move parts] --> B
B --> |Failure| E
E[Modify part variants] --> A
B --> |Success| D

Routing algorithm

Routing algorithms started off fairly simple. With the first auto-router using Lee's maze solving algorithm. Which is essentially a grid based breadth first search with backtracking. Today most high end auto-routers use an algorithm based on topological auto-routing which tends to work better for high-density circuits.

Potential improvements on topological-routing

There are a couple of improvements that can be made to typical auto-routers;

  1. Return path routing
Return path routing

Currently (at least in the auto-routers I've used) there is very little effort put into routing/managing the signal return path. What I'd like to propose is that each signal be treated as a set of two links (see topological link/knot theory). At least one of the two links with either a ground or power return path must be routed into the board. By simultaneously routing both the signal and return path you can minimize EMI and reduce signal integrity. While a power and/or ground planes may still be used it will still likely be useful to keep track of your routed return paths through those planes as intersections on the return path routing may result in increased current density.

graph LR

A[Pin 1] -->|Signal| B[Pin 2]
B -->|Vdd return path| A
B -->|GND return path| A

This approach has the most potential when routing 1-2 layer boards. For example a ground trace can be routed parallel to signal traces to minimize EMI and maximize signal integrity.

There is also significant gains to be made in very high speed designs, where signal integrity and EMI are much more difficult to manage.

Other constraints

In many cases there will be other constraints that need to be met for the circuit to work as part of a larger electromechanical design e.g. connector locations PCB shape etc. How these constraints are applied is yet to be determined.