Analysis preconditions

Note: This section is incomplete.

This stage in the pipeline is used to constrain your design e.g.

  • The operating temperature, pressure, humidity ranges.
  • The PCB manufacturing process.
  • The PCB assembly process.

This stage isn't intended to do anything particularly fancy. Instead it is just a means of collecting data to constrain the design at later stages in the pipeline.

Operating environment

The following set of constraints are proposed to optionally constrain the design of your device;

  • Temperature range.
  • Pressure range.
  • Vibration.
  • Humidity.
  • Heat dissipation.

PCB Manufacturing

The following set of constraints are proposed to optionally constrain the design of your device;


  • Minimum width annular ring.
  • Drill sizes (list)
  • Microvias
  • Blind vias
  • Buried vias
  • Plug hole diameter


  • Minimum trace width
  • Hole to hole clearance


  • List of material variants
    • Fiberglass (FR4)
    • Copper
    • Prepreg
    • Solder-mask
    • etc.