Constructing a BOM

Now that we have defined our operational and manufacturing constraints. We can start selecting components. At a high level this process would follow the following approach.

  • Pre-filtering based on manufacturing and operating constraints.
  • For each behavior find a set of components/predefined sub-circuits that meet your needs. Narrow to single instantiate based on some heuristic.
  • Each of the narrowed components/sub-circuits have their own constraints. These constraints should be handled recursively.
  • An end state for BOM generation is met when each recursive component has it's requirements met.
  • Optionally create a set cost reduction passes. For example while the first set of 'seed' components might have been chosen to be the cheapest, the sum of their supporting parts (i.e. recursively chosen) parts maybe more expensive.

This type of process predicates on having highly detailed;

  • Footprints,
  • Component descriptions (aka schematic libraries),
  • Predefined functional sub-circuits.

Note: While automation is great, sometimes for very specific reasons you want to choose a very specific part. It is the intention that it be possible to manually override each stage/pass in this process.


Pre-filter parts database based on manufacturing and operating constraints. e.g. The following database of resistors with the following pre-filter;

  • Min temp: -20
  • Min copper spacing: 0.65mm
ValueMin tempPackage

Would be reduced to;

ValueMin tempPackage

Behavior matching

For each behavior search through your database of parts/predefined sub-circuits and find a set of 'candidate' components that meet your requirements. This may involve guiding this process of behavior down to function. e.g.

Using a some guiding heuristic (e.g. minimize component cost), choose a single component/sub-circuit that meets the behavior. In some cases this can be specialized down to a physical interface e.g.

A resistor with the follow constraints;

  • Value: 10k
  • Min temperature: -20
  • Package: 0402

It is not necessary to specialize down to a particular part number at this point as there are multiple parts that can meet the 0402 physical interface. This can only be done on parts that have the same physical footprint/interface.

These first set of matching components are considered 'Seeds' for the rest of the schematic, on which the schematic will naturally grow.

Recursive behavior matching

As previously mentioned the 'seed' components have their own set of constraints and requirements. e.g. An accelerometer sensor chosen in the previous step may need 1.8-3.3V to operate, therefore the next stage of the recursive matching might involve a buck converter and/or a battery.

BOM optimization (Optional)

There are many opportunities for BOM cost reduction. While each recursive stage might be optimized for cost. This involves a greedy and non-optimal search pattern. There are also multiple areas where constraints can be reduced to allow for a greater range of freedom in BOM reduction. e.g. Consider 3 parts A, B and C currently candidates for the BOM.

Part A has 2 pins

  • GND
  • VDD
    • Requires 1.8-3.3V @ up to 50mA
    • Requires 80-200nF of capacitance for decoupling

Part B has 2 pins

  • GND
  • VDD
    • Requires 3.0-3.3V @ up to 800mA
    • Requires 90-150nF of capacitance for decoupling

Part C has 2 pins

  • GND
  • VDD
    • Requires 1.8-2.5V @ up to 5mA
    • Requires 90-150nF of capacitance for decoupling

It's fairly reasonable to assume that;

  • A & C can share a power rail.
  • A & B can share a power rail.
  • B & C cannot share a power rail.

So at least two power rails will be required. However all three have a range of capacitances that overlap such that an acceptable capacitor can be chosen for all three reducing the unique component count. e.g. a 100nF capacitor with a 10% tolerance will work for all three.


Note: This example has some known issue;

  • Doesn't address logic levels in database search.
  • Doesn't address multi-purpose pin-remapping and conflicts.
  • Doesn't address the relationship between cpu->spi_peripheral.
  • Doesn't address the relationship between firmware size and flash storage.
  • SPI bus is shared between accelerometer and display. But the count for GPIO chip selects isn't checked.
  • Doesn't include scenarios showing when multiple components match a given requirement.

There is a bit of a balance between writing a concise example and missing critical details. This is also a WIP and I haven't worked out all the details yet. If you think that I've missed something important please feel free to open an issue. If you think that you could improve this example feel free to contact me under the discussions tab.

Let's go back to our step counter, and see how this recursive component selection might work on a simplified database of parts.

So let's say we start with a 'sensor to detect a step'. First we would need to map this requirement to a physical phenomenon that can be measured. So when we take a step with accelerate slightly forward and then accelerate slightly backwards as our foot impacts the ground again. Not only that but we will likely do a little bob vertically as well. So a sensor that can measure acceleration with some post processing can count steps! Now it's likely that we will want to constrain this further. For example we don't want a sensor that can only sample once a second as we wouldn't be able to determine how many steps you take unless you take less than 0.5 steps/s. So the world record for 'skips'/seconds is 9.6 skips/s. This is roughly the same motion as a step so let's use that as our baseline. At that rate we would need at minimum 19.2Hz to prevent aliasing. But it's likely that we would want significantly more. So let's go with 4x9.6=38.4Hz as a minimum sampling rate.

NOTE: there might be other was of doing this at a later time e.g. using a ranging sensor that measures distance to the ground. So it's still useful to keep the original abstract concept of a step counter.

graph TB
A[Sensor to detect a step]
B[Computation system to interpret sensor output]
C[Counter to keep track of steps]
D[Display to show us the step count]
style A fill:#f9f
style B fill:#f9f
style C fill:#f9f
style D fill:#f9f

So this is where we can start searching for a part in our database. To simplify this example I've only put one sensor that will work. So find the 'Accelerometer' sensor. So we find the part 'Accel101' that matches our sampling requirements.

graph BT
A[Sensor to detect a step]
B[Computation system to interpret sensor output]
C[Counter to keep track of steps]
D[Display to show us the step count]

Now we find that 'Accel101' has requirements on it's own. Specifically it needs power and an SPI controller. So we search for a power provider that will work for our accelerometer and we find a battery.

graph BT
A[Sensor to detect a step]
B[Computation system to interpret sensor output]
C[Counter to keep track of steps]
D[Display to show us the step count]
style A fill:#f9f
style B fill:#f9f
style C fill:#f9f
style D fill:#f9f

E[Accel101]-->|provides acceleration|A
F[Battery]-->|provides power|E

We then search for a device that can act as a SPI controller and find the 'ControlFreak1000' micro-controller.

graph BT
A[Sensor to detect a step]
B[Computation system to interpret sensor output]
C[Counter to keep track of steps]
D[Display to show us the step count]
style A fill:#f9f
style B fill:#f9f
style C fill:#f9f
style D fill:#f9f

E[Accel101]-->|provides acceleration|A
F[Battery]-->|provides power|E
G[ControlFreak1000]-->|provides SPI controller|E

The control freak micro-controller also by coincidence happens to provide functionality for two more of our behavioral definitions via it's cpu;

  • Computation system to interpret sensor output,
  • Counter to keep track of steps.
graph BT
A[Sensor to detect a step]
B[Computation system to interpret sensor output]
C[Counter to keep track of steps]
D[Display to show us the step count]
style A fill:#f9f
style B fill:#f9f
style C fill:#f9f
style D fill:#f9f

E[Accel101] --> |provides acceleration| A
F[Battery] --> |provides power| E
G[ControlFreak1000] --> |provides SPI controller|E
G --> |Provides computation| B
G --> |Provides counter| C

The micro-controller however has a it's own requirements. Again we have to solve the power problem. However as we've already chosen the battery, and the voltage should work we just have to check that the battery can provide enough power for both the accelerometer and the micro-controller at the same time. 0.1 + 0.01 < 1 so we can keep the battery in our proposed BOM.

graph BT
A[Sensor to detect a step]
B[Computation system to interpret sensor output]
C[Counter to keep track of steps]
D[Display to show us the step count]
style A fill:#f9f
style B fill:#f9f
style C fill:#f9f
style D fill:#f9f

E[Accel101] --> |provides acceleration| A
F[Battery] --> |provides power| E
G[ControlFreak1000] --> |provides SPI controller|E
F[Battery] --> |provides power| G
G --> |Provides computation| B
G --> |Provides counter| C

We have one final behavior that we need to meet 'Display to show us the step count', So we search through our database and find our 'Display100' part. Again the display requires some power, we check our current BOM to see if we have anything that can provide that. We find the battery, we just need to check that the battery can supply power to the micro-controller, accelerometer and display all at once. It can so we at this point we have an automatically generated BOM, that meets our needs.

graph BT
A[Sensor to detect a step]
B[Computation system to interpret sensor output]
C[Counter to keep track of steps]
D[Display to show us the step count]
style A fill:#f9f
style B fill:#f9f
style C fill:#f9f
style D fill:#f9f

E[Accel101] --> |provides acceleration| A
F[Battery] --> |provides power| E
G[ControlFreak1000] --> |provides SPI controller|E
F[Battery] --> |provides power| G
G --> |Provides computation| B
G --> |Provides counter| C
H[Display] --> |Provides display|D
G[ControlFreak1000] --> |provides SPI controller|H


Part: ControlFreak1000

  • cpu: Cortex-M0
  • Spi: Provides controller
    • Count: 1
  • GPIO: Provides in or output
    • Count: 4
  • Power: Requires 1.8-3.3V @ up to 100mA
    • Decoupling:
      • Count: 4
      • Value: 100-200nF

Part: Cap1

  • value: 1uF,
  • tolerance: 10%,

Part: Cap3

  • value: 120nF,
  • tolerance: 10%,

Part: Accel101

  • Acceleration: Provides 1-10G 24bit 200Hz sampling rate
  • Spi: Requires controller
  • CS: Requires GPIO
  • Power: Requires 1.8-3.3V @ up to 10mA
    • Decoupling:
      • Count: 1
      • Value: 50-150nF

Part: Battery

  • Provides 1.8-2.2V @ up to 1A

Part: Display100

  • Display: Provides display
  • Power: Requires 1.8-5.0V @ up to 100mA
    • Decoupling:
      • Count: 1
      • Value: 0.5-10uF
  • Spi: Requires controller